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10 Countries With Most Slaves Per Capita

Here we compiled a list of 10 countries with most slaves per capita. This list is based on the facts and figures that defined in Global Slavery Index by Walk Free. According to Global Slavery Index, there are estimated 30 million people living in modern-day slavery. Amongst many other countries, India has the maximum numbers of slaves at 14 million.  Have a look at ten countries where slavery is most prevalent.

10. Gabon

countries with most slaves
Gabon hold the 10th place among the top 10 countries with most slaves. As a destination and transit country, Gabon is victims of modern slavery. People of all ages are forced into various forms of modern slavery. Young girls and boys are mostly trafficked into domestic servitude, s-x work and for other manual work. Forced marriages, child marriages and forced labor are common, even some girls are forced to work in restaurants or market stalls.

9. Gambia

Gambia slavery
Gambia, is here in the list for forced begging, domestic servitude and prostitution, including child s-x tourism. Women, girls and boys are trafficked to Gambia for commercial s-xual exploitation. According to a report, nearly 60,000 children in country are vulnerable to modern slavery, including orphans and street children.

8. Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast Kids
Enslaved women and children in Ivory Coast are often subjected to forced labor and s-x work. A large number of children are forced into work in mining, fishing, agriculture, construction, domestic work and as street vendors and shoe-shiners.

7. Benin

Benin Kids
In the West African country of Benin, trafficked women and children into the s-x trade, domestic work or forced labour are the main victims of modern slavery. The country has an estimated 80,000 slaves. The International Organisation for Migration says more than 40,000 children are trafficking victims. Many children are working on cotton or cashew plantations or as house servants.

6. Moldova

Girl of Moldova
With an estimated 33,000 slaves, Moldova is mainly a source country for modern slavery. Moldovan emigrants are enslaved in other nearby countries like Ukraine, Russia, the United States, Germany, Belarus and elsewhere. Moldovans have been trafficked for purposes of organ removal.

5. Nepal

woman of Nepal
In Nepal, modern slavery practices include forced labor and s-x work. An estimated 259,000 Nepalis are enslaved, both inside the country and abroad. A crippled economy, endemic corruption and institutionalised ethnic and gender discrimination have created conditions for slavery to thrive since the end of Nepal’s decade-long civil war in 2006.

4. India

Indian girl
India is the country with the highest number of slave people in the world, although here it ranks No. 4. Almost all forms of slavery are practiced there, from inter-generational bonded labour to s-x trafficking, forced marriage and child labour. With an estimated 14 million slaves, India is home to almost 1/2 of the world’s slave population.

3. Pakistan

Pakistani child labor
With in the country, modern slavery is primarily characterized as bonded labor. According to the Asian Development Bank, nearly 1.8 million people are in bonded labour in Pakistan. Many Pakistanis migrate to Gulf states, Iran, Turkey, South Africa and elsewhere in search of work, where they fall prey to unscrupulous labour agents who withhold passports and don’t pay wages.

2. Haiti

poor kids in Haiti
Child slavery is a widespread problem in the Caribbean nation of Haiti. The country has second place among the top countries with most slaves with around 209,000 slaves, fueled by high poverty, lack of access to social services and a system of child labour known as “restavek”, in which poor children from rural areas are sent to work with families in cities.

1. Mauritania

countries with most slaves

The West African nation of Mauritania ranks highest on the prevalence of modern slavery. More than 20 percent of the country’s population is deemed to be enslaved. Chattel slavery (slave status is passed down through generations) is the most common in Mauritania.

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